Lumitter's Comprehensive Guide to Red and Infrared Light Therapy in Australia: Benefits, Safety, and FAQs

At Lumitter, we understand that navigating the world of red light therapy can bring up many questions, whether you're a seasoned user or just starting out. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to help you gain a clearer understanding of our products, their benefits, and how they can fit into your wellness routine. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your health and to optimize your experience with our innovative red light therapy solutions.

Here, you'll find detailed answers about everything from the basics of red light therapy, how to use our devices, the science behind our technology, to after-sales support. If you have further questions that aren’t covered in this section, please feel free to reach out to our customer service team. We’re here to support your journey to better health and wellness.

FAQs About Lumitter Red Light Therapy Devices

Why do some Lumitter lights appear to be off?

Lumitter's therapy lights include near-infrared LEDs that are invisible to the naked eye because they emit wavelengths beyond the visual spectrum. While you won't see these lights glowing, they are indeed working and providing therapeutic benefits. You might be able to detect these lights using a camera with specific settings, but generally, they will appear off to human vision.

What is the power consumption of Lumitter’s red and infrared lights?

Our therapy lights are energy-efficient, consuming less power than a standard hairdryer. Typically, you wouldn't use your Lumitter device for more than 30 to 40 minutes per session, ensuring minimal impact on your electricity bills. Enjoy significant health benefits without a significant increase in energy costs.

Are Lumitter’s light devices rigorously tested?

Yes, all Lumitter devices undergo stringent quality control processes, including life and stress tests in our factories. Each unit is tested multiple times to ensure they meet our high standards of durability and functionality, guaranteeing reliable performance and longevity.

What noises can be expected from Lumitter panels?

Lumitter panels operate with minimal noise, enhancing your relaxation experience. The sounds you may hear include gentle fan operations and occasional beeps from the device controls as settings are adjusted.

How should I protect my eyes during use?

Safety is paramount at Lumitter. We recommend using our specially designed light-blocking goggles while using any facial therapy devices. It’s important never to look directly into the LEDs. If you ever feel discomfort, make sure you are wearing protective eyewear.

What warranties do Lumitter devices come with?

Lumitter stands behind its products with robust warranties that typically range from 2 to 4 years, depending on the product model. These warranties cover a variety of issues to ensure your peace of mind with every purchase.

Why do some Lumitter devices have longer warranty periods?

Devices with longer warranty periods incorporate premium components and advanced features. These high-end models are built to exceed our standard specifications, reflecting our confidence in their performance and durability through extended warranty coverage.

What is covered under the Lumitter warranty?

Lumitter’s warranties cover defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. For detailed information on what is included, please visit our warranty terms and conditions on our website.

Can I get my Lumitter device repaired or serviced?

Absolutely! Lumitter offers repair and servicing for manufacturer's faults at no cost during the warranty period. For services needed beyond warranty, or for damages not covered by it, please contact us to discuss available options.

Where can I find the user manual for my device?

Each Lumitter product page on our website features a downloadable instruction manual under the 'Instruction Manual' tab. Additionally, we provide a growing library of instructional videos for extra guidance. If you need further assistance, our customer support team is just a message away.

How do I install my Lumitter device?

Installation instructions are readily available on our website under the 'Instruction Manual' tab for each product. For added visual guidance, check out our instructional videos. If you encounter any difficulties, our customer support team is ready to help you.


Which Lumitter Red and Infrared light panel is best for me?

Choosing the right panel depends on your specific therapy needs. Smaller panels are suitable for targeting areas like wrists or ankles, while larger panels are ideal for full-body sessions. Consider the area you need to treat to select the most appropriate size and power.

Do I need a stand for my panel?

While stands are optional, they can provide flexibility and ease of use during your therapy sessions. Lumitter offers compatible stands for each model, which can be purchased with the panel or separately.

Which stand works best with my device?

You can find stands specifically designed for your Lumitter device in the same section as your device on our website. These stands are clearly labeled and perfectly match your panel’s specifications for optimal performance.

General Questions on Infrared and Red Light Therapy

How far should I be from a Lumitter LED light therapy panel?

The optimal distance from your Lumitter LED light therapy panel depends on its specific power output and design. Typically, you should maintain a distance where the irradiance (intensity of the light reaching your skin) measures around 100mW/cm². This ensures effective exposure without overdoing it. For precise guidance, refer to the irradiance graphs available on each product listing on our website.

What is near infrared (NIR) light?

Near infrared (NIR) light, or infrared light, refers to wavelengths between 800 to 2500 nanometers (nm). This type of light is invisible to the human eye and is used in our Lumitter products to penetrate deep into tissues without producing heat, aiding in recovery and cellular health.

What is far infrared (Far IR) light?

Far infrared (Far IR) light, different from NIR, typically refers to wavelengths longer than those used in our Lumitter products. Far IR is often employed in infrared saunas to elevate body temperature for therapeutic effects. Lumitter focuses on NIR and visible red light for targeted, non-heating benefits.

Is red light safe for the skin?

Red light therapy is widely regarded as safe for skin exposure. It helps stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider if you have concerns or specific skin conditions before starting any new treatment regimen.

Is infrared light safe for the skin?

Near infrared light is also considered safe for skin use. It penetrates deeper than red light, supporting cellular repair and energy production. As with red light, it’s advisable to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it’s suitable for your personal health needs.

How long should my session last?

For optimal results, we recommend a session duration of 10 minutes per targeted area, up to twice a day. While sessions can extend up to 20 minutes, research suggests that shorter, more frequent sessions may be more beneficial. Visit our website for a comprehensive dosing guide to red light therapy.

How often should I use red and infrared light therapy?

The ideal frequency is twice daily for 10 minutes per session per area. If you prefer a less frequent schedule, aim for at least once daily, five times a week. Ensure there’s a 6-8 hour interval between sessions to maximise the therapeutic benefits.

Should I remove my clothes before using red or infrared light?

For maximum effectiveness, direct exposure is recommended, which means removing any clothing from the area you are treating. This ensures the light penetrates the skin without any barriers, enhancing its therapeutic effects.

Can I get sunburnt from red or near infrared light?

No, both red and near infrared light used in Lumitter products do not cause sunburn. These wavelengths do not contain the UV rays that lead to sunburn, making them a safe option for light therapy.

Does red or infrared light cause tanning?

No, red and infrared light do not tan the skin. These therapies work below the surface to stimulate cellular repair and rejuvenation, without affecting skin pigmentation or causing damage like UV light.

What is photobiomodulation?

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the process where light (photo) is used to influence cellular functions and processes. Triggered by exposure to red and near infrared light, PBM promotes healing, reduces inflammation, and enhances energy production within cells. 

Infrared and Red Light Therapy for Dogs, Cats, and Horses

How can pets benefit from infrared and red light therapy?

Pets, much like humans, can suffer from insufficient natural light exposure, especially if they spend significant time indoors. Infrared and red light therapy can help mitigate these deficiencies by providing light that mimics the beneficial wavelengths found in natural sunlight. These therapies can help reduce inflammation and pain associated with injuries or chronic conditions. 

How can horses benefit from red and infrared light therapy?

Horses, often kept in stables or covered by outdoor blankets, may miss out on crucial sunlight during peak hours, potentially leading to light deficiency issues. Red and infrared light therapy can serve as a valuable tool in a horse's care regimen, offering a non-invasive method to reduce inflammation and aid in the recovery of injuries. 

How can cats benefit from red and infrared light therapy?

Indoor cats particularly are at risk of light deficiency, which can impact their long-term health. Incorporating red and near-infrared light therapy into your cat’s routine can counteract these deficiencies, potentially leading to improved health outcomes. Our therapy devices are designed to be safe and effective for feline use. 

How can dogs benefit from red and infrared light therapy?

Dogs that spend a lot of time indoors may not receive adequate natural light, which is essential for their health. Utilising red and near-infrared light therapy can supplement your dog’s exposure to beneficial wavelengths, helping maintain their health and vitality. 

Which Lumitter devices are best for pets?

Our portable, battery-powered devices, are particularly suited for use with pets. These devices are designed for easy use, free from the hassle of cords, making it simpler to treat your pets in the comfort of your home or during travel.

FAQs on Red and Infrared Light Therapy

What conditions can red and infrared light therapy help treat? Red and infrared light therapy is effective for a variety of conditions. It can alleviate muscle pain and joint stiffness from conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and fibromyalgia. It's also beneficial for treating skin issues including acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and aiding in wound healing. Additionally, it supports hair regrowth in cases of hair loss and thinning hair, and helps manage neuropathic pain and nerve damage. It can even reduce some side effects of chemotherapy, providing a versatile therapeutic solution. Learn more about the conditions treated by light therapy here.

Are there any side effects associated with red and infrared light therapy? Red and infrared light therapy is generally considered safe with minimal side effects when used appropriately. The main precautions include avoiding direct eye exposure without proper protection and being aware of potential increased light sensitivity in some individuals. Temporary redness or warmth in the treated area may occur but typically subsides quickly. Overall, the therapy maintains an excellent safety profile with no known long-term adverse effects. Read more about light therapy safety here.

Can light therapy be used in conjunction with other treatments? Yes, red and infrared light therapy can be effectively used alongside other treatments, enhancing their effects. It complements physical therapy and massage for pain relief and healing, boosts the efficacy of topical skincare products, and works well with acupuncture and other holistic therapies. Being non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical, light therapy is a safe addition to most treatment plans. Explore how light therapy can complement other treatments here.

How quickly can results from red and infrared light therapy be seen? The timeline for visible results from red and infrared light therapy varies based on the condition and its severity. Many users report positive effects within a few weeks of consistent use. For example, improvements in skin tone and inflammation reduction may be noticeable in about 4 to 6 weeks, while increased hair growth and thickness can take from 8 to 16 weeks. Pain relief from conditions like arthritis may be experienced in 2 to 4 weeks. Discover more about expected results timelines here.

Is there any scientific research supporting red and infrared light therapy? There is a substantial body of scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of red and infrared light therapy. Studies conducted by NASA showed faster wound healing and pain relief. Clinical trials have demonstrated benefits for skin rejuvenation, hair regrowth, and joint and muscle pain relief. The therapy has been shown to have positive effects on cellular energy production and inflammation reduction, underscoring its therapeutic potential. Review the scientific research on light therapy here.

How do I choose the right light therapy device for my needs? Selecting the right light therapy device involves considering the size of the area you need to treat, the specific wavelengths required for your condition, and the light intensity or irradiance levels to ensure therapeutic dosages. Both pulsed and continuous wave options may be considered depending on the desired effects. Our team at Lumitter can help guide you to the most suitable device based on your needs and treatment goals. Find guidance on choosing the right device here.

Can children use red and infrared light therapy? Red and infrared light therapy is considered safe for children when used under adult supervision and following all safety guidelines, such as using proper eye protection and consulting a pediatrician before use, especially for infants or children with existing conditions. With reasonable precautions, light therapy can be an effective, non-invasive treatment option for children. Learn about using light therapy with children here.

How do I maintain and clean my device? To ensure your Lumitter device operates effectively for years to come, it is important to unplug the device before cleaning, use a soft, slightly damp cloth for wiping down the exterior, and avoid harsh cleaners or chemicals that could damage the LEDs. Storing the device in a cool, dry place when not in use is also recommended. Check out our maintenance and cleaning tips here.

How does red and infrared light therapy compare to other types of therapy? Red and infrared light therapy offers several distinct advantages over other therapeutic approaches. It is non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical, which avoids the side effects associated with drugs. It targets the root cellular causes of inflammation and pain rather than just symptoms and can be used alongside other treatments without interference or contraindications. Additionally, it provides both temporary relief and potential long-term healing benefits at a relatively low cost compared to frequent massage, acupuncture, or medical treatments. Compare light therapy with other therapies here.

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What is the return policy for Lumitter products?

At Lumitter, we stand behind our products with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase for any reason, simply return it within 60 days for a full refund, no questions asked.We also offer a 2-year warranty on all devices covering any manufacturer defects. Our commitment is to provide you with high-quality light therapy solutions backed by exceptional customer service.